Meibomian Gland Dysfunction/Dry Eye

Northside Vision offers a comprehensive approach to the diagnosis and treatment of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) and Dry Eye Disease. Our newest breakthrough technology is the Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) system. Not only does this exciting technology offer superior treatment for many kinds of Ocular Surface Disease, but it has also been found to deliver a visible reduction in bags, wrinkles, and discoloration around the patient's eyes. How could we not offer our dry eye patients the opportunity to look better while feeling better too? Don't wait: Schedule your expert Northside Vision Ocular Surface exam today.

What is Meibomian Gland Dysfunction?

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) is a chronic, progressive abnormality of the meibomian glands. The meibomian glands are a small row of oil-producing glands located in your upper and lower eyelids. The oil secreted by these glands forms the outermost layer of your tear film. This oil layer prevents your tears from rapidly evaporating or running down your cheeks. When these oils are reduced or of poor quality, your tear film becomes unstable and your eyes will water or feel dry and uncomfortable.

When the meibomian glands are healthy, the oil they produce has the consistency of olive oil. When the glands are inflamed, the oils they produce become thickened, having a consistency more like that of toothpaste, leading to clogging of your meibomian glands. When your meibomian glands become clogged, the oil layer is not adequate and your eyes become irritated and inflamed. Additionally, the back pressure caused by the clogging of your meibomian glands results in damage to the glands, causing shortening, atrophy, and eventual death of your glands.

Images of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction captured by Northside Vision Center

Images of meibomian glands.

Untreated, meibomian gland dysfunction is generally chronic and progressive. Unfortunately, lost meibomian glands do not have the ability to regenerate. When MGD is allowed to progress, the damage to meibomian glands is irreparable and can lead to significant discomfort with watery, dry, red, and irritated eyes. Recurrent infections, scarring of the surface of your eyes, and decreased vision may also occur. Advanced MGD can be a serious condition that negatively effects your quality of life.

Northside Vision has helped hundreds of patients with Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) and we specialize in the treatment of MGD and dry eye disease.

What is Dry Eye Disease?

Dry eye disease generally has two primary causes, either: (1) Your eyes aren’t producing enough tears (aqueous deficiency); or (2) your eyes aren’t producing stable/high quality tears (evaporative dry eye). Dry eye disease and MGD are closely related - and approximately 86% of dry eye disease is caused at least in part by MGD. In either case, your dry eye disease can result in eyes feeling scratchy, burning, or excessively watering.

No matter what the underlying cause of your condition may be, the adverse effects of dry eye disease – physical, emotional and financial – can be significant. Although dry eye disease generally can’t be cured, our treatments are targeted to relieve symptoms, improve quality of life, and decrease further damage. The earlier dry eye is detected and treatment is started, the better. If you are experiencing symptoms of dry eye eyes, schedule an assessment so we can determine the exact cause(s). Then, we will be able to recommend treatment options based on your unique needs. Dry eye therapy is our specialty. Let us help you find relief from your symptoms.

Treatments for MGD & Dry Eye Disease

Meibomian gland dysfunction can be treated with a variety of at-home therapies and in-office procedures. At home treatments can help, but they are generally not be as effective as our in-office treatments because the at-home treatments do not fully address the many of the underlying problems contributing to MGD. We will customize a treatment plan for your specific case. Some of our most effective treatments are (1) Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and (2) TearCare.

​​​​​​​Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Treatment

woman getting IPL treatment

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a light-based, non-invasive treatment done in the area below the eyes to treat and manage MGD and dry eye disease. The efficacy of this state-of-the-art treatment is backed by many clinical studies.

IPL uses specially calibrated pulses of light to treat various conditions. The energy from the pulses of light permeates the surface of the skin around your eyes (where the systems responsible for your tears and healthy oils are located). Many patients experience relief after just a few treatments with this breakthrough technology.

Until recently, IPL was used primarily as an aesthetic treatment for skin conditions and to fade visible blood vessels, reduce dark skin spots, and remove unwanted hair. The value of IPL technology for treating dry eyes was discovered by accident. Patients who were being treated with IPL for a specific skin problem called rosacea had reported that they were noticing a significant improvement in their dry eye symptoms. More research was done and the benefits of IPL therapy for MGD and dry eye relief were established.

Not only does this exciting technology offer superior treatment for many kinds of Ocular Surface Disease – including MGD, but it has also been found to deliver a visible reduction in bags, wrinkles, and discoloration around the patient’s eyes. How could we not offer our patients the opportunity to look better while feeling better too?

​​​​​​​TearCare Treatment

The TearCare System is a wearable eyelid technology that administers gentle heat directly to the meibomian glands to liquify the meibum (oil), remove blockages and stimulate tear production. TearCare delivers heat directly to the eyelid through two small heating devices (Smart Lids) that are applied directly to the eyelids by the doctor. Unlike other treatment methods, TearCare allows the patient's eyes to remain open and blinking throughout the procedure. The process takes about 20 minutes.

​​​​​​​Custom Treatment and Maintenance Packages

Ongoing Care You Can Count On

Though currently there is no known cure for MGD and dry eye disease, that doesn’t mean we can’t help you find the best way to manage your symptoms and find relief. From understanding your environment to applying topical treatments and in-office procedures, the experts at Northside Vision will put you back in control of your symptoms.

MGD & Dry Eye Disease Service Fees

Dry Eye

Eyelid Cleaning – Micro-Blepharo-Exfoliation (MBE)

$140 - Includes in-office cleaning of eyelids

Dry Eye

Advanced Thermal Lid Treatment (Tear Care) Packages

$630 - Includes 1 (one) TearCare treatment for MGD & dry eye disease.

Dry Eye

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Packages

$960 – Includes 3 (three) IPL treatments for MGD & dry eye disease.
$1,200 – Includes 4 (four) IPL treatments for MGD & dry eye disease.

Dry Eye

Maintenance Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Treatment (Every 6-12 months)

$350 – Includes 1 (one) IPL treatment for MGD & dry eye disease.